Fisher at Emmanuel September 4, 2024

(0-1-0, 0-0-0)
(2-0-0, 0-0-0)
Final 1 2 T
Fisher 0 0 0
Emmanuel 5 5 10

Box Score



00 - Olivia Leo - gk 0 0 0 0
2 - Kayla Dorn - fwd 0 0 0 0
3 - Sasha Therrien Dominguez - fwd 0 0 0 0
6 - Jennifer Do Carmo - def 0 0 0 0
7 - Anai Vazquez - mid 0 0 0 0
8 - Melissa Fajardo - def 0 0 0 0
9 - Lea Bjorkhagen - fwd 0 0 0 0
10 - J. Braggs - def 0 0 0 0
11 - Jenna McCullough - def 0 0 0 0
16 - Mariana Hernandez Cintron 0 0 0 0
19 - Cefeldalina Molina Lara - fwd 0 0 0 0
21 - Kamani Paynter - def 0 0 0 0
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 0 0 0 0


0 - Teigan Robie - gk 0 0 0 0
1 - Emily Cordano - gk 0 0 0 0
99 - Gaby Baker - gk 0 0 0 0
2 - Alexandra Gencarelli - def 1 1 1 1
3 - Cameryn Hickey - def 4 0 0 0
5 - Hailey Goodman - fwd 2 1 1 0
6 - Eva Simmons - mid 2 1 1 1
7 - Rachel Harrington - mid 0 0 0 0
8 - A Balogh de galantha - def 2 2 1 0
9 - Anna Nichols - fwd 5 3 0 0
10 - Emmabelle Briones - def 3 3 0 0
12 - Olivia Gray - mid 0 0 0 0
14 - Loliana Morales - fwd 2 1 1 0
18 - Audrey Toce - fwd 1 0 0 0
19 - Aleena Solano - fwd 0 0 0 0
20 - Sarah Dullaghan - fwd 8 4 2 1
21 - Maya Daryanani - mid 3 0 0 0
22 - Reese Cromwell - fwd 2 1 1 0
27 - Liz McCormick - mid 7 3 1 0
32 - Jamilly Chaves - def 1 1 0 0
33 - Adriana Melaragno - def 3 0 0 0
35 - Maddie McCulloch - def 1 1 1 0
36 - Libby Tennant - mid 0 0 0 1
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 47 22 10 4

Fisher Goalies

00 - Olivia Leo (L, 0-1-0) 22 10 12 90:00

Emmanuel Goalies

0 - Teigan Robie 0 0 0 28:44
1 - Emily Cordano 0 0 0 29:30
99 - Gaby Baker (W, 1-0-0) 0 0 0 31:46
TOTALS 0 0 0 90:00

Scoring Summary

Period Time Play V - H
1st 02:07 Sarah Dullaghan (3) (unassisted) 0 - 1
1st 22:20 Eva Simmons (1) (Sarah Dullaghan) 0 - 2
1st 22:35 Annebel Balogh de Galantha (1) (unassisted) - Penalty Kick 0 - 3
1st 28:17 Liz McCormick (2) (Eva Simmons) 0 - 4
1st 39:52 Alexandra Gencarelli (1) (unassisted) 0 - 5
2nd 46:51 Reese Cromwell (1) (unassisted) 0 - 6
2nd 63:54 Maddie McCulloch (1) (Alexandra Gencarelli) 0 - 7
2nd 71:19 Sarah Dullaghan (3) (Libby Tennant) 0 - 8
2nd 80:01 Loliana Morales (2) (unassisted) 0 - 9
2nd 89:07 Hailey Goodman (1) (unassisted) 0 - 10
Fisher 0 0 0
Emmanuel 16 31 47
Fisher 5 7 12
Emmanuel 0 0 0
Fisher 0 0 0
Emmanuel 3 5 8
Fisher 8 0 8
Emmanuel 6 5 11

Game Information

Date/Time: September 4, 2024 - 07:00
Location: Boston
Stadium: Roberto Clemente Field
Game Length: 02:08
Attendance: 222
Referee: Dusan Basta
Asst. Referee: Nicola Vesia
Asst. Referee: Andres Castro

Play By Play


00:00 Baker, Gaby at goalie for Emmanuel (MA)
00:00 Leo, Olivia at goalie for Fisher
01:14 Foul on Gray, Olivia.
02:07 Goal!GOAL by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah.
( 0 - 1 )
08:44 Substitution!FIS substitution: Hernandez Cintron, Mariana for Fajardo, Melissa.
10:54 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz, out top right.
11:51 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, out top right.
13:17 Shot by EMM Briones, Emmabelle, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
14:46 Corner kick [14:46].
16:34 Foul on Bjorkhagen, Lea.
16:54 Offside against Emmanuel (MA).
17:19 Foul on Paynter, Kamani.
17:51 Shot by EMM Balogh de Galantha, Annebel, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
18:29 Foul on Bjorkhagen, Lea.
18:55 Shot by EMM Morales, Loliana, out right.
19:49 Corner kick [19:49].
20:06 Foul on Daryanani, Maya.
20:50 Offside against Emmanuel (MA).
21:20 Foul on Chaves, Jamilly.
22:20 Goal!GOAL by EMM Simmons, Eva Assist by Dullaghan, Sarah.
( 0 - 2 )
Foul on McCullough, Jenna
22:35 EMM Annebel Balogh de Galantha PENALTY KICK GOAL.
24:31 Offside against Emmanuel (MA).
25:29 Foul on Balogh de Galantha, Annebel.
26:30 Foul on Hernandez Cintron, Mariana.
27:31 Foul on Bjorkhagen, Lea.
28:17 Goal!GOAL by EMM McCormick, Liz Assist by Simmons, Eva.
( 0 - 4 )
30:08 Shot by EMM Daryanani, Maya.
30:17 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
31:46 Substitution!EMM substitution: Robie, Teigan for Baker, Gaby.
32:35 Offside against Emmanuel (MA).
34:14 Foul on Simmons, Eva.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Gencarelli, Alexandra for Goodman, Hailey.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Harrington, Rachel for Simmons, Eva.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Nichols, Anna for Balogh de Galantha, Annebel.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Gray, Olivia for Morales, Loliana.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Toce, Audrey for Dullaghan, Sarah.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Solano, Aleena for Daryanani, Maya.
35:40 Substitution!EMM substitution: Cromwell, Reese for McCormick, Liz.
37:35 Foul on Hernandez Cintron, Mariana.
38:42 Corner kick [38:42].
39:52 Goal!GOAL by EMM Gencarelli, Alexandra.
( 0 - 5 )
40:17 Shot by EMM Briones, Emmabelle, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
41:41 Substitution!EMM substitution: Melaragno, Adriana for Tennant, Libby.
41:50 Foul on Molina Lara, Cefeldalina.
42:38 Shot by EMM Chaves, Jamilly, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
43:02 Foul on Nichols, Anna.
43:42 Substitution!EMM substitution: Hickey, Cameryn for Briones, Emmabelle.
44:13 Shot by EMM Toce, Audrey, out left.
44:53 Shot by EMM Nichols, Anna, out left.
45:00 End of period [45:00].
-- End of 1st Period --
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45:00 Start of 2nd period [45:00].
45:00 FOR FIS: , #00 Leo, Olivia, #2 Dorn, Kayla, #3 Dominguez, Sasha, #6 Do Carmo, Jennifer, #7 Vazquez, Anahi, #16 Hernandez Cintron, Mariana, #9 Bjorkhagen, Lea, #10 Braggs, J, #11 McCullough, Jenna, #19 Molina Lara, Cefeldalina, #21 Paynter, Kamani.
45:00 FOR EMM: , #0 Robie, Teigan, #2 Gencarelli, Alexandra, #7 Harrington, Rachel, #9 Nichols, Anna, #3 Hickey, Cameryn, #12 Gray, Olivia, #18 Toce, Audrey, #19 Solano, Aleena, #22 Cromwell, Reese, #32 Chaves, Jamilly, #33 Melaragno, Adriana.
46:03 Shot by EMM Hickey, Cameryn, out top left.
46:51 Goal!GOAL by EMM Cromwell, Reese.
( 0 - 6 )
47:11 Shot by EMM Nichols, Anna, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
47:31 Corner kick [47:31].
47:49 Shot by EMM Hickey, Cameryn, out left.
49:04 Foul on Gencarelli, Alexandra.
50:12 Offside against Emmanuel (MA).
51:21 Shot by EMM Nichols, Anna, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
52:29 Corner kick [52:29].
53:44 Shot by EMM Melaragno, Adriana, out top.
54:35 Shot by EMM Nichols, Anna, out right.
55:33 Corner kick [55:33].
56:13 Shot by EMM Nichols, Anna, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
56:45 Shot by EMM Melaragno, Adriana.
57:54 Substitution!EMM substitution: McCulloch, Maddie for Nichols, Anna.
59:33 Shot by EMM Hickey, Cameryn.
60:15 Shot by EMM Cromwell, Reese, out top.
60:30 Substitution!EMM substitution: Cordano, Emily for Robie, Teigan.
61:39 Shot by EMM Melaragno, Adriana.
62:22 Substitution!EMM substitution: Simmons, Eva for Harrington, Rachel.
62:22 Substitution!EMM substitution: Balogh de Galantha, Annebel for Gray, Olivia.
62:22 Substitution!EMM substitution: Morales, Loliana for Solano, Aleena.
62:22 Substitution!EMM substitution: McCormick, Liz for Cromwell, Reese.
62:22 Substitution!EMM substitution: Daryanani, Maya for Chaves, Jamilly.
62:22 Substitution!FIS substitution: unknown player for Vazquez, Anahi.
62:22 Substitution!FIS substitution: unknown player for Braggs, J.
62:47 Shot by EMM Simmons, Eva, out top.
63:47 Corner kick [63:47].
63:54 Goal!GOAL by EMM McCulloch, Maddie Assist by Gencarelli, Alexandra.
( 0 - 7 )
64:54 Substitution!EMM substitution: Dullaghan, Sarah for McCulloch, Maddie.
64:54 Foul on Gencarelli, Alexandra.
64:54 Substitution!EMM substitution: Goodman, Hailey for Toce, Audrey.
64:54 Substitution!FIS substitution: Braggs, J for McCullough, Jenna.
65:13 Shot by EMM Daryanani, Maya.
65:25 Shot by EMM Hickey, Cameryn, out right.
65:55 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, out top.
67:38 Substitution!FIS substitution: McCullough, Jenna for unknown player.
71:01 Substitution!EMM substitution: Tennant, Libby for Gencarelli, Alexandra.
71:01 Substitution!EMM substitution: Chaves, Jamilly for Hickey, Cameryn.
71:19 Goal!GOAL by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah Assist by Tennant, Libby.
( 0 - 8 )
71:25 Substitution!EMM substitution: Briones, Emmabelle for Melaragno, Adriana.
76:07 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz, bottom left, saved by Leo, Olivia.
76:47 Corner kick [76:47].
77:08 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, out top.
75:43 Shot by EMM Briones, Emmabelle, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
76:28 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz.
76:51 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
77:34 Shot by EMM Goodman, Hailey, out right.
78:11 Foul on Simmons, Eva.
80:01 Goal!GOAL by EMM Morales, Loliana.
( 0 - 9 )
82:35 Shot by EMM Daryanani, Maya, out top right.
82:39 Substitution!EMM substitution: Gray, Olivia for Daryanani, Maya.
85:03 Substitution!EMM substitution: Toce, Audrey for Morales, Loliana.
85:47 Shot by EMM Dullaghan, Sarah, out right.
86:34 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz.
87:59 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz, bottom center, saved by Leo, Olivia.
88:54 Substitution!EMM substitution: Hickey, Cameryn for Briones, Emmabelle.
89:07 Goal!GOAL by EMM Goodman, Hailey.
( 0 - 10 )
89:49 Shot by EMM McCormick, Liz.
90:00 End of period [90:00].
-- End of 2nd Period --
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